Web Crawling
Enhanced Fraud Protection Through Web Crawling

Adaptive Crawling, Predictive Analysis, Real-Time Updates
Advantages Of Web Crawling
Comprehensive Monitoring for Fraud Indicators
Methodically explores the web for compliance and fraud indicators, to safeguard businesses from potential threats.
Tailored and Ethical Crawling
We offer customized and ethical crawling tailored to your business needs. We follow programmed indexing of web information adhering to legal and ethical guidelines. We respect website owners' protocols, crawl rate limits, and authorization requirements, ensuring responsible and ethical web crawling practices.
Enhanced Data Intelligence and Early Fraud Detection
Our web crawling promotes early fraud detection through predictive analysis. It monitors social media platforms, identifies customer complaints related to fraud, and provides real-time data monitoring. Comprehensive data enrichment via device fingerprinting, geo-location, and user behavioral patterns enhances probability of detecting fraud.
Why Web Crawling?
Web crawling, in general, signifies a systematic exploration of the internet.
It involves navigating websites to scrutinize various elements such as site traffic, merchant profiles, content violations, sale of counterfeit items, and other potential fraud indicators.
Web crawling efficiently absorbs dynamic web content using adaptive strategies, dynamic HTML parsing, and JavaScript rendering
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What's More
Identifies content and scheme violations
Identifies chained merchant linkages
Analyses user demographics
Checks for MCC violations
Detects irregularities in website footfalls
We've Got You Covered
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