Device Fingerprinting
Trustworthy Identity Verification

Efficient Onboarding, Secure Transactions, Regulatory Compliance
Advantages Of Device Fingerprinting
Data Collection
Device fingerprinting collects data points such as device type, operating system, browser, screen resolution, IP address, location, time zone, language settings, and more to add to the risk data intelligence
Pattern Recognition & Fingerprint Creation
Advanced algorithms analyze the collected data to identify unique patterns and combinations of attributes associated with each device and creates a digital fingerprint profile for making informed risk decisions
Online Transaction Security
Device fingerprinting plays a crucial role in monitoring online transactions. It helps detect suspicious activity, such as transactions from devices with unusual or inconsistent fingerprints.
Why Device Fingerprinting?
Device fingerprinting technology is a method used to uniquely identify and track devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, based on their specific characteristics and attributes.
This technology creates a digital fingerprint for each device by collecting information about the device's hardware, software, network configurations, and behavior and whenever a device attempts to access a system or platform, its fingerprint is compared to a database of known fingerprints to verify its identity or detect anomalies.
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What's More
Risk-Free Onboarding
Aids Web Content Analysis
Evidence Gathering Tool to Contest Chargebacks
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